8th SYRA3 Cost Action Meeting, Lund, October 13-14, 2016
Innovative Methods in Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery using Synchrotron Radiation (SYRA3) is a COST Action supported by the European Union with the aim to setup and coordinate a multidisciplinary network to develop synchrotron radiotherapy and radiosurgery techniques to treat brain tumours and other diseases of the central nervous system.
The 8th SYRA3 Cost Action meeting took place on October 13-14 in the main building of Lund University ("Universitetshuset"), and the program can be found here. We thank all the participants for contributing to a successful meeting!
Crister Ceberg
Medical Radiation Physics
Lund University
SE-221 85 Lund, Sweden
crister [dot] ceberg [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (subject: COST%20Action%20Meeting%20in%20Lund) (crister[dot]ceberg[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)