Latest version
All files are packed in ZIP archives
Windows version
Version 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.2: 32-bit or 64-bit
Mac version (OSX)
Version 5.0: 64-bit
Version 6.0: 64-bit
Version 6.1: 64-bit
Version 6.2: 64-bit
Linux version
Version 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bit
Version 6.2: 32-bit or 64-bit
Installation: Linux / MAC OSX
- Create a directory $HOME/simind
- Download the distribution you want to install and extract the filefolder into the $HOME directory by unpacking using the following commands [examples are shown for Linux 64 bit compilation]
gunzip smc_linux_intel_64_v62.tar.gz [64bit]
tar -xvf smc_linux_intel_64_v62.tar
where v61 is the version number!
- If you use csh or tcsh shell
Add to the .cshrc file the folowing lines. This is only needed first time you installing the code!
setenv SMC_DIR $HOME/simind/smc_dir/
setenv PATH $HOME/simind:$PATH
Execute the command
source .cshrc
to make the changes effective.
- if you use bash shell
Add in your .bash_profile
SMC_DIR=$HOME/simind/smc_dir/export PATH
export SMC_DIR
/home/simind/> simind bench
Installation: Windows
- Create a directory c:\simind
- Unpack [where zz is either 32 bit version of 64 bit, v62 is the version number] into a foler c:\simind! Keep the folder information while unzipping and be sure that a directory c:\simind\smc_dir with files of for example extension *.cr3 have been created.
- Go into the control panel and click on System, Advanced, Environmental Variables. In the input field User Variables window add [by clicking "new"]
the following environmental system variables by filling in proper fields.
Variable SMC_DIR should be set to value C:\simind\smc_dir\
- Add the path C:\simind to the environmental variable PATH in the "System Variables" and place it first in the sequence of defined paths. This because Windows 7 has a program also with the name "change"
- Exit and restart the command window otherwise the changes with not be used
The Castor Binaries
Here is a link to a zip file containing a distribution for the castor software version 1.0 with pre-build executables for Linux, MacOS and Windows (32 and 64-bit). This zip-file can be seen as a starting point to use the castor reconstruction. It is, however, strongly recommended that users of this program register themseft to the castor community list at the in order to receive information about future updates and to get other important information. On the page, there is also information about to configure and compile the builds to particular preferences since it is not the intention that this website should be regarded as a mirror-site.
To get started and use the smc2castor program for reconstruction of simind-genereated SPECT projections then following installation/preparation is needed.
- Download the zip file from the web-page.
- Extract the whole file structure to a convenient place on your harddrive.
- Define the environmental variable CASTOR_CONFIG to the absolute path of the config folder within the castor directory structure.
- Add the relevant bin folder to you PATH environmental variable (that is, either bin_osx, bin_linux, bin_win32 or bin_win64).